Category Archives: From the Kitchen
This is the SouperKitchen recipe blog.
Here you’ll find our most recent concoctions, parsed out for family or individual friendly portions. We try to make these recipes as adaption-friendly to that you can adjust them according to your personal tastes, wallet thickness, and even your neighborhood supermarket’s stocking restrictions. We will try to list as many alternatives as possible without over-wordiness!
In each post, you will also likely find: updates on SouperKitchen’s progress , cost-efficient recipes, allergen- and dietary restriction sensitive suggestions, and other alternatives. We hope that as we build our archive, there will shortly be something that appeals to every unique taste.
Happy reading, yall! Love, the SouperKitchen team
Spoooooky Squash Soup
Our partnership with GrowNYC is underway! Today at the Union Square Greenmarket Tanah, Kate, Sarah, and Jerone dished out butternut squash soup garnished with thyme to shoppers. The general consensus seemed to be: when there’s soup to be had, who … Continue reading
Bakin’ Bacon Biscuits for Maker Faire
On September 27th SouperKitchen presented its vision to a hungry audience at the World Maker Faire at the New York Hall of Science. For the occasion, we rustled up a new kind of savory cookie. During its development, it morphed … Continue reading
For every day there’s a dinner
Every time I get too hung up on my crust-making pride, I fail. There are days when I can roll out a perfect pie crust without breaking a sweat, and others when my hands seem capable only of forming a … Continue reading
Salmon for lunch, pizza for dinner
Today I thought a lot about protein. Working a universally accepted protein into the regular menu rounds at SouperKitchen is going to be a challenge for me, as a tenured vegetarian just beginning to venture back into the world of … Continue reading
Spring Panzanella & Sweet Potato Gnocchi
We are celebrating the official–and continual–birth of our project with what some people might call “fancy food.” And yet this food is some of the quickest and easiest to throw together. Humongous thanks and shout out to super star photographer … Continue reading
Coconut & Green Curry Lentils
This vegetarian fusion stew is great for a large crowd- so much of what goes in here (lentils, bulgur, spices) is sold dried and in bulk and can last a long time. Millions of people thrive on a high-lentil diet, … Continue reading
Corn Chowder with Lime & Sweet Potato Biscuits
Corn Chowder with Avocado, Lime and Shredded Chicken You’ll need: 4-6 ears of fresh corn 2-4 Idaho potatoes, peeled and cubed butter (anywhere from half a stick to a full stick. In other words, 4-8 Tbsp) 1 large yellow onion, … Continue reading
Sweet Potato Risotto
Sweet Potato and Spinach Risotto You’ll need: 4 Tbsp butter, or thereabouts 1 yellow onion, diced 1 cup arborio rice 1 shallot, diced 2 sweet potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 carton stock of choice (4 cups) fresh (not frozen!) spinach, … Continue reading